The W.T. Watson Society

Building Legacy. Advancing the Gospel.

The W.T. Watson Society

“He is Able!”

The W.T. Watson Society consists of members who commit to sustaining the mission of Trinity College of Florida with multi-level gifts over a period of 5 years. The Society name honors Dr. W.T. Watson the long-term president and founder of Trinity College of Florida in 1932. Dr. Watson’s vision, faith, and tireless leadership established and built a legacy of training men and women to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We ask for you to prayerfully consider how God can provide through you to continue Dr. Watson’s vision of biblical education to advance the gospel in each new generation. “He is Able!” Would you prayerfully and in faith initiate your membership of 5 years in the W.T. Watson Society right now by making a pledge or giving your first donation?

  • $84 a month  =  $1,000 per year = one-time donation of $5,000
  • $167 a month = $2,000 per year = one-time donation of $10,000
  • $250 a month = $3,000 per year = one-time donation of $15,000

Member Benefits

The W.T. Watson Society Members (WTWSM) will be listed in the annual report of the college. The WTWSM will be listed on the Society Wall display in the W.T. Watson Administration Building. The WTWSM will be recognized at the annual banquet. The WTWSM will receive society news and updates.

Make a Pledge Today!

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