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Tiger Talk Blog

An Old Open Air Chapel

By Tiger Talk Blog

By Peggy Bragg My personal relationship and life’s journey with Jesus began in an old open-air chapel with a sawdust floor. Trinity College students, Percy & Hazel Cannon, ran a Christian camp in North Florida on the Suwannee River called Camp O’ the Suwanee. Having been in Dad’s classes, they wanted to do something to show their thanks for him and his teaching. They decided to give two free weeks in their camp to all four of the Bragg children;…

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You Missed It!!

By President's Circle, Tiger Talk Blog

You Missed It! By Mark O’Farrell, College President Over the years, I am fairly certain someone has come up to you with these words: ‘You Missed It!’    It might have been something you forgot to see.   Or, you might have been preoccupied and did not experience or realize what happened. Or, you did not think it was important so you did not plan to be present or look into the event.   Usually, for me, it was a friend, colleague, or…

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Already Not Yet

By Tiger Talk Blog

“Already Not Yet” By Dr. Eric J. Bargerhuff The Christian’s dilemma could be best characterized by the “already not yet” reality of the Christian life. As those who have trusted in Christ for our salvation, we stand before God in a positional state of “grace” (Romans 5:1-2). What this means is that we are no longer condemned, exonerated from wrath, covered by the blood of Jesus, promised an inheritance, and so forth.  That’s the “already” aspect of being saved. “Not…

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Time to ‘Fess Up’ and Fill in the Blank!

By Tiger Talk Blog

BY MARK O’FARRELL: Uncertainties, Unknowns, and the Unwanted have saturated our present environment.  Challenges and Concerns arrive daily.  And as believers, we know 2 Timothy 1:7: For God has not given us a Spirit of fear, but of power and of love, and of a sound mind. But anxiousness and anxiety appear quickly on the surface as we hear the next status report of COVID-19.  And then … the other news comes into crowd our awareness such as issues with law…

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Lasting Impact at home

Lasting Impact at Home, by Charlie Martin

By Tiger Talk Blog

Lasting Impact At Home By Charlie Martin, Trinity Alumni Trinity College of Florida made a great impact on my life and my pastoral ministry at Indian Rocks Baptist Church. My story begins when I was a 16-year-old boy at my home church in El Dorado, Arkansas. A Trinity Student visited our church and brought a catalog with Billy Graham’s picture on the front cover. My Sunday school teacher knew that I had been praying for God’s will and where I…

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I Had to Do Something… We Have to Do Something!

By President's Circle, Tiger Talk Blog

We Have to Do Something! BY MARK O’FARRELL As I reflect over the years, I can remember clearly times when I had to “do something.” Regarding two house fires, one next to my house and another involving my pastor’s wife, I had to get people out. I could not stand by and not “do something!” A giant 18-wheeler literally went off the road right in front of my car on the interstate and crashed into the woods. I had to…

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lords supper

Some Theological Implications of the Lord’s Supper

By Tiger Talk Blog

BY DR. STU PARSONS: I sometimes tell my classes about some of the theological implications of the Lord’s Supper. These are actually very much a blessing to me on a weekly basis, since I am blessed to be a member of a church that celebrates the Supper weekly. As I wait in line to eat and drink the elements, I pray to our Father, thanking Him for His grace poured out for us 2000 years ago when He gave His…

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The God of second chance

The God of the Second Chance

By Tiger Talk Blog

The God of the Second Chance BY ERIC BARGERHUFF: “But go, tell his disciples and Peter, He is going ahead of you in Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.” (Mark 16:7, NIV, emphasis mine) When I was a young lad growing up in Indiana, I was fascinated with the greatest piece of racing equipment known to man-the Big Wheel. Yes, most of us kids in the neighborhood had Big Wheels, and we loved to pretend…

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A Mind Captivated by God

A Mind Captivated by God

By Tiger Talk Blog

BY BURK PARSONS: I have journeyed through the land of Narnia. Nearly ten years ago, I had the privilege to stay at Rathvinden House, located in the beautiful rolling-green countryside of County Carlow, Ireland. At that time, the Rathvinden estate was owned and operated by Douglas Gresham, the stepson of C.S. Lewis. Late one afternoon, as I was walking on the grounds of the estate with a friend, we came across a lush, green pasture that was simply breathtaking. As…

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Why the Impeccability of Christ is Way More Important Than You Think

By Tiger Talk Blog

BY DR. JOE ALLOTTA: You must be a thought-filled person. (Not thoughtful) for you to click on a blog with this title proves you are smarter than at least half the people you know, so congrats on that. I tend to put theologies in 3 categories; the Rock-Solids, the Lean This Ways, and the No Ideas. The Rock-Solids are things like the Deity of Christ, that God created the world, or that all human beings are sinners. The Lean this…

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