--> Tiger Talk Blog – Trinity College

Tiger Talk Blog

Who is St. Valentine?

By Tiger Talk Blog

BY DR. JOE ALLOTTA: That’s the most interesting thing about Valentine’s Day to me. We have no idea who St. Valentine is. We know St. Nicholas gave presents to kids. We know St. Patrick was into all things Irish (although his official saint color was blue.) So why is St. Valentine associated with love, hearts, and overpriced greeting cards? Let me share some history and then some commentary: History Valentinus was supposedly an Italian Stallion in the 3rd century who…

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Bible Devotional

Habakkuk’s First Complaint

By Tiger Talk Blog

BY ADAM POWERS: Gazing at or laboring to get a glimpse at the Glory of God is the most practical thing anyone can ever do. Habakkuk teaches us this well. One of the ways the small prophetic book of Habakkuk does this is its personal tone. Most of the other prophetic books are very impersonal, you don’t hear a lot about the prophet himself. Usually what we find is God speaking through the prophet to His people dealing with their…

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Would Jesus win the olympics

Would Jesus Win Every Event at The Olympics?

By Tiger Talk Blog

BY DR. JOE ALLOTTA: Yes. (Well, I don’t think anyone wants to say “No.”) My general rule of thumb is that Jesus is the Greatest Ever no matter what we are talking about. Here’s what I know: If Jesus Christ’s purpose was to be a Swimmer then he’d be better than Michael Phelps. If Jesus Christ’s purpose was to be a Gymnast, then He’d be showing up Simone Biles. If Jesus Christ’s purpose was to do that sport that combines…

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Four Ways God Punishes Sin

By Tiger Talk Blog

BY ADAM POWERS: Lastly, after spending two days on the origin of sin and the character of sin, today I’ll briefly discuss the punishment of sin. This is the result of sin in man. All this talk of guilt, pollution, corruption, depravity, and total and moral evil means little if God doesn’t take it seriously. Men may make light of it but God doesn’t, for He will punish all sin both in this life and in the life to come….

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Fear of God Is just the Beginning of Knowledge

By Tiger Talk Blog

BY DR. JOE ALLOTTA We all know the verse that says, “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” There are quite a few verses that reference the fear of God and even a couple in the New Testament. Often times I hear people just erase the word or change the word “fear” to “reverence.” Obviously, we should be reverent to God but “fear” has a different meaning. Fear means to be afraid of something dangerous. We tend…

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Turf War: Missionaries Are Moving in on Our Territory

By Tiger Talk Blog

BY DR. JOE ALLOTTA: Did you know this? That more missionaries come to the United States than any other country in the world??? On average, 32,000 missionaries come to the United States from other countries per year. Did you have any idea? The second place has 20,000 missionaries going to them. We’re close to doubling up the second-place country. What’s interesting, we send more than 127,000 out from our country to other places around the world. That’s awesome. (Now to…

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Starting at a Small Bible School in Florida

By Tiger Talk Blog, Trinity College Alumni

“Starting at a small Bible school in Florida…” President Trump On the day Billy Graham passed away, the news was texted to me by my sister Kathy, and immediately a flood of emotions hit me. I was at my desk taking attendance at the small Christian school I worked as a Bible and history teacher. I had to ask another teacher to watch my class as I stepped out to regain my composure. At that moment, I felt the presence…

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Misunderstanding “Repentance” is Confusing the Gospel

By Tiger Talk Blog

BY DR. JOE ALLOTTA: Repentance is brought up a lot in Gospel presentations. I can already hear someone saying, And rightfully so! But is repentance a part of salvation? That’s where the misunderstanding comes into play. If when you say repentance you mean, stop sinning before coming to Jesus, then you are dead wrong. If we could stop sinning before coming to Jesus, then why do we need Jesus? But if when you say repentance you mean, the asking of…

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Complacent Repentance

By Tiger Talk Blog

Complacent Repentance BY BURK PARSONS: I love to hear stories about our faithful forefathers in ages past, and while it may be mere legend, I have heard that the great nineteenth-century British pastor Charles Spurgeon posted a sign on the door of his study. Each time he passed through the door of his study he could not avoid seeing the sign, which read: Perhaps today. It was his way of reminding himself that Jesus could return any day. So Spurgeon…

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Billy Graham Accepted the Challenge

We Accept the Challenge

By Tiger Talk Blog

We Accept the Challenge By Vera Resue, Valedictorian speech of the class of 1940 and classmate of Evangelist Billy Graham.  There has never been a time in the history of the world when young people are being challenged as now. There has never been a greater opportunity to demonstrate virile Christianity as now. Christ’s enemies are daring to charge that the world disorder and conditions in which we find ourselves are proof that Christianity has failed and therefore it is…

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