--> TCF Happenings

C.S. Lewis Society

By Academics

HISTORY AND PURPOSE The C.S. Lewis Society was organized by Princeton University students in 1975, as a guest-speaker forum for the campus community to hear Christian scholars articulate a biblical perspective on topics of wide public concern. After years of fruitful ministry, the Society was re-launched on the campus of Trinity College of Florida in 1988 as a fellowship of those committed to explaining and defending the Christian faith internationally. Our outreach has focused especially on university campuses and nations…

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rediscovering joy

Rediscovering Joy

By Uncategorized

Rediscovering Joy BY DR. DENNIS COX “Joy is the feeling of grinning inside.” Melba Colgrove Joy always feels natural. It comes on easily but only under unusually wonderful circumstances. Like love, joy is something everyone wants but no one can hoard. It must be discovered but looking for it is useless. You don’t find it. It finds you. You set the table and it comes for dinner; uninvited and welcome. There are many ways to prepare for joy and all…

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The Heaven’s Declare

By Tiger Talk Blog

BY MATT NOBLE: “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.” Psalm 19:1 Some time ago I heard a pastor speaking about the size of our galaxy. It is incredible. We know that the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second. Not per hour, but per second. That is fast! To travel from one side of our galaxy to the other side of our galaxy would take 100,000 years traveling at the speed…

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Unqualified Supremacy

By Tiger Talk Blog

BY BURK PARSONS: A few years ago I heard a sermon by the eminent Swiss theologian Dr. Roger Nicole. Prior to the sermon, I read the bulletin for the service which noted Dr. Nicole’s sermon title. I recall that I became somewhat agitated when I read the title: “Lord, No.” I remember thinking: “What sort of title is that?” I soon realized, however, that the title was intentionally ambiguous. To say “Lord” conveys supremacy, and to say “no” conveys disapproval…

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People Over Profit

By Tiger Talk Blog

BY DR. SHANNON HOGAN AND ALTON SHADY: Proverbs 11:24 states, “One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want.” The implications of this verse have eternal remunerations that do not come in the form of dollars and cents, yet pays more than your hard work ever could. Solomon’s discourse does not suggest one should give of their financial wealth. Many consider giving in Scripture to be simply money or finances; however,…

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is god for us?

Is God for Us?

By Tiger Talk Blog

Is God For Us? BY: Dr. Stuart Parsons   Your Question Brings Honor to God I assist the ministry GotQuestions.org by answering questions that readers pose. A man in Europe recently asked, In Rom 8:31, “if God be for us,” is the proper translation “since God be for us”? The answer to this question helps us think about approaches to biblical translation. Even more importantly, it helps us think about God’s inexpressible love and grace. I hope that you enjoy…

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The Ordinary Christian Life Is a Radical Life

By Tiger Talk Blog

BY BURK PARSONS: The ordinary Christian life is not the opposite of the radical Christian life. The ordinary Christian life is a radical life. The ordinary Christian life is a life of daily trusting Christ; daily repenting of our sins; daily abiding in Christ; daily loving Christ; daily dying to self; daily taking up our crosses and following Christ; daily loving God and neighbor; and daily proclaiming the gospel to ourselves, our families, our friends, and our communities. Every Christian…

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Why Christian Marriage Matters

By Uncategorized

BY DR. JOE ALLOTTA: I really wonder if the Bible was being written today would Jesus use marriage as the example for how much he loves His church. Jesus consistently used Bride and Groom analogies to describe His commitment to His Followers; and the Apostle Paul continued on with that analogy in his letters. Yet today, people get divorced more than they switch their cell phone carrier. Or people just aren’t getting married. They buy all IKEA furniture so they…

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Sheep Without a Shepherd

By Trinity College Alumni

BY MATT NOBLE: “When he went ashore he saw a great crowd, and he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. And he began to teach them many things.” – Mark 6:34 Turkish shepherds watched in horror as hundreds of their sheep followed each other over a cliff, say Turkish reports. First, one sheep went over the cliff edge, only to be followed by the whole flock, according to the reports. More than 400 sheep…

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Pardoned and Glorified

By Uncategorized

BY BURK PARSONS: If you’ve read Victor Hugo’s classic work Les Miserables, or if you’ve seen the stage production or film, you’ll recall the scene wherein the bitter criminal Jean Valjean has been released from prison and finds safe harbor at a bishop’s home. Instead of returning the bishop’s kindness, Valjean steals his silver, strikes him, and flees in the night. After Valjean is caught by the arresting officer, who represents the law, he brings Valjean before the bruised bishop…

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