--> TCF Happenings

Starting at a Small Bible School in Florida

By Tiger Talk Blog, Trinity College Alumni

“Starting at a small Bible school in Florida…” President Trump On the day Billy Graham passed away, the news was texted to me by my sister Kathy, and immediately a flood of emotions hit me. I was at my desk taking attendance at the small Christian school I worked as a Bible and history teacher. I had to ask another teacher to watch my class as I stepped out to regain my composure. At that moment, I felt the presence…

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Misunderstanding “Repentance” is Confusing the Gospel

By Tiger Talk Blog

BY DR. JOE ALLOTTA: Repentance is brought up a lot in Gospel presentations. I can already hear someone saying, And rightfully so! But is repentance a part of salvation? That’s where the misunderstanding comes into play. If when you say repentance you mean, stop sinning before coming to Jesus, then you are dead wrong. If we could stop sinning before coming to Jesus, then why do we need Jesus? But if when you say repentance you mean, the asking of…

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Complacent Repentance

By Tiger Talk Blog

Complacent Repentance BY BURK PARSONS: I love to hear stories about our faithful forefathers in ages past, and while it may be mere legend, I have heard that the great nineteenth-century British pastor Charles Spurgeon posted a sign on the door of his study. Each time he passed through the door of his study he could not avoid seeing the sign, which read: Perhaps today. It was his way of reminding himself that Jesus could return any day. So Spurgeon…

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Billy Graham Accepted the Challenge

We Accept the Challenge

By Tiger Talk Blog

We Accept the Challenge By Vera Resue, Valedictorian speech of the class of 1940 and classmate of Evangelist Billy Graham.  There has never been a time in the history of the world when young people are being challenged as now. There has never been a greater opportunity to demonstrate virile Christianity as now. Christ’s enemies are daring to charge that the world disorder and conditions in which we find ourselves are proof that Christianity has failed and therefore it is…

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Christmas Story

The Christmas Story, Unimaginable and Incomparable!

By President's Circle, Tiger Talk Blog

The Christmas Story, Unimaginable and Incomparable! By Dr. Mark O’Farrell Matthew and Luke record the historical event of the birth of the Lord Jesus! Reading the first two chapters of Luke and then reading the first two chapters of Matthew will record in clear terms this miraculous event of God entering the human race as a baby birthed by a virgin.  Simply, absolutely, incredible, and unfathomable!  Wayne Grudem writes: “Jesus Christ was fully God and fully man in one person and…

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3 Point Sermon From a 3 Point Shot

By Tiger Talk Blog

#1: There is no substitute for authentic respect In my position as Brand Ambassador, I made it a priority (especially during COVID) for us to live stream all the home games. In a recent game, it occurred to me as I observed how our team reacted to every call, play, and instruction from the coaches, the true character of our players. It was very clear to me the authentic respect our players have for one another, the coaches, the referees,…

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i've got a secret

I’ve Got a Secret

By President's Circle

I’ve Got a Secret Many of my readers will be too young to remember a program entitled, “I’ve Got A Secret.” It ran from 1952-1967. A contestant came before a panel who had a secret.  The panel’s assignment was to discover it.  It ranged from the unusual to the humorous.  You were to put on your ‘detective hat’ and discover it through questioning. This came to my mind when I recognized a new and afresh the ‘Secret’ of handling all the…

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simplicity within complexity

Simplicity Within Complexity

By President's Circle, Tiger Talk Blog

By: Dr. Mark O’Farrell, College President. Have you noticed within the last six months the  need to deal with complex issues without the  opportunity to resolve or bring solution with  simplicity? It must be long, drawn-out, tiring, and frustrating. Wrong thinking and  contemplation cause this response. Whatever  happened to the main thing being the main  thing and the plain thing being the main thing?  Why do we create complexity in resolution? Is it simply stupidity or immaturity, or is it  something…

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Peter Teagues authority of scripture

The Authority of Scripture

By President's Circle

The Authority of Scripture – Our Unfailing Foundation Dr. Peter W. Teague, President Emeritus Today there is a confluence of demographic, economic, and technological developments that are creating a new reality driven by a new set of rules! Change is coming at us very fast – so much so that in just 6 years the “Internet of Things” will be designed to run factories, mines, energy systems, transportation systems, retail facilities, vehicles, homes, offices, and YES even people. Truth Matters…

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