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Why do good things happen to bad people?

Why Do Good Things Happen to Bad People?

By Tiger Talk Blog

Why Do Bad Thing Happen to Good People? Most people ask, Why do bad things happen to good people? I’ll give you my answer, too, just for kicks and giggles. But I think the tougher question is in the title. It seems counter-productive for God to allow good things to happen to people who want nothing to do with Him. Don’t people usually turn to God when in crisis? Scripture is filled with passages that essentially say that it rains…

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3 Ways Biblical Theology is Practical

By Tiger Talk Blog

BY ADAM POWERS: Everyone is a theologian. Some of you may think that statement makes as much sense as the above picture of someone swimming on a road. If that’s you, you’ll want to keep reading. You ever thought of this? Everyone you’ve ever met in your life and you yourself, are a theologian. Let me explain. If you’ve ever had a thought about God: who God is, what God is like, what God demands of us, what God does,…

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