Quest Degree Completion (Evenings)

Don’t Let Life Keep You from Chasing the Call.

Bachelor of Science | Quest Degree Completion

Trinity Quest Degree Completion Program

Is designed to help adult learners earn their Bachelor of Science Degree with the flexibility of classes one night per week or online. To be eligible for the Quest Degree Completion Program, a student must have a minimum of 60 credits to transfer into the program. Students who desire to enter the Quest Degree Completion Program who do not meet the minimum required transfer credits may apply for the Trinity Access program to meet the entrance requirements.

Trinity Quest Degree Completion Schedule

  • 4 courses per semester (12 credit hours)
  • 2 courses every 8 weeks
  • 2 summer courses

Monday Evenings

  • 6-7:55 pm (1 of 2 courses every 8 weeks)
  • 8:05-10:00 pm (2 of 2 courses every 8 weeks)

B.S. Business Organizational Leadership

Bachelor of Science Business Organizational LeadershipCindy Perkins Business Organizational Leadership

Department Chair: Cynthia Perkins, M.A.O.L.

The successful completion of the Business Organizational Leadership Major will provide
the student with:

  1. A solid foundation in the skills and knowledge required to perform as an effective leader within any for-profit or nonprofit organization and society.
  2. An application of the skills obtained and sought after by current employers within today’s market such as complex problem-solving, critical thinking, teamwork, sound judgment, and decision-making, communication, conflict management and negotiation, and exercising influence.
  3. The formulation of right thinking to assist the student in making ethical decisions founded upon biblical principles and characteristics of Jesus Christ.
  4. An in-depth understanding of how to integrate faith into all areas of business and organizational life.

Major Requirements (Total Required Credits: 122)

  1. A completed AA degree (meets the requirements of TCF) of all least 60 semester hours
  2. Complete Introduction to Quest Program (1 cr).
  3. Complete the following Trinity Quest Program Courses: (61 semester hours)

Required Courses:

LDR1362Q Introduction to Organizational Leadership 3 LDR4104Q Concepts and Theories of Mng. Ldrs. 3
LDR2370Q Organizational Communications: Methods and Strategies for Leaders 3 LDR3333Q Strategic HR in Orgs. 3
LDR3341Q Leadership in Nonprofits 3 COUN3301Q Introduction to Counseling 3
LDR3363Q Team Dynamics and Leading Diverse Groups 3 COUN3332Q Stress Management 3
LDR3215Q Leading Organizations, Innovation, and Change 3 SYG1431Q Marriage and Family Comm. 3
LDR4164Q Organizational Theory and Behavior 3 MISS3303Q World Missions and Religions 3
LDR3202Q Managing Ethics in Organizations 3 BTEL4000Q Bible or Theology Electives 12
LDR3373Q Inter. Leadership: Conflict & Negotiation 3 BSOL-L4401Q Business Organizational Leadership Capstone Course 1
LDR4334Q Resource Allocation in Organizations 3

This degree completion program is designed to be completed within 2 years. Students who follow this progression plan will take all courses necessary to finish the Bachelor of Science Business Organizational Leadership major within 2 years.
NOTE: Students may apply to enroll in any of the five start dates: Fall A, Fall B, Spring A, Spring B and Summer.

Bachelor of Science Business Organizational Leadership, Two-Year Student Progression Plan

Introduction to Quest Program (1 credit), must be taken in the student’s first semester. *Italicized courses are required for the 18 credits in Bible & Theology for Trinity College and can be completed using the AA Access classes. If these courses were previously completed, they will be substituted with the indicated course.

Year 1 Fall A
Course 1 Introduction to Quest Program 1
Course 2 Introduction to Organizational Leadership 3
Course 3 Introduction to Counseling 3
Fall B
Course 1 Organizational Communication 3
Course 2 Organizational Theory and Behavior 3
Spring A
Course 1 Marriage and Family Communication 3
Course 2 Leadership in Nonprofits 3
Spring B
Course 1 *Bible or Theology Elective or Systematic Theology I 3
Course 2 Leadership Organizational Innovation and Change 3
Course 1 *Bible or Theology Elective or Leadership Elective 3
Course 2 *Bible or Theology Elective 3
Year 2 Fall A
Course 1 Strategic Human Resources in Organizations 3
Course 2 *Bible or Theology Elective or Small Group Development 3
Fall B
Course 1 Conflict Negotiation 3
Course 2 *World Missions and Religions or Systematic Theology II 3
Spring A
Course 1 Managing Ethics in Organizations 3
Course 2 *Evangelism and Discipleship or Biblical Ethics 3
Spring B
Course 1 Stress Management 3
Course 2 Resource Allocations in Organizations 3
Course 1 Team Dynamics and Leading Diverse Groups 3
Course 2 Concepts and Theories of Managerial Leadership 3
Course 3 Capstone 1
BS Business Organizational Leadership PDF

B.S. Business Organizational Leadership - Church Management Administration Concentration

Cindy Perkins Business Organizational LeadershipBachelor of Science Business Organizational Leadership Church Management Administration Concentration

Department Chair: Cynthia Perkins, M.A.O.L.

The successful completion of the Church Management Administration Concentration will
provide the student with:

  1. A solid foundation in the skills and knowledge required to perform as an effective leader within the context of management administration for ministry, church, or nonprofit organizations in roles, such as, Executive Pastor, Business Manager, and Human Resource Manager.
  2. A well-articulated Christian worldview of life and ministry founded upon biblical principles and characteristics of Jesus Christ.
  3. An application of ministry-ready professional skills sought after by churches and ministries, such as, strategic human resources, conflict management and negotiation, complex problem-solving, teamwork, sound financial judgment and budgeting, marketing, communication, and ethical decision-making.

Major Requirements (Total Required Credits: 122)

  1. A completed AA degree (meets the requirements of TCF) of all least 60 semester hours
  2. Complete Introduction to Quest Program (1 cr).
  3. Complete the following Trinity Quest Program Courses: (61 semester hours)

Required Courses:

LDR1362Q Introduction to Organizational Leadership 3 MISS2303Q Church Planting and Development 3
LDR2370Q Organizational Communications: Methods and Strategies for Leaders 3 MISS3303Q World Missions and Religions 3
LDR3341Q Leadership in Nonprofits 3 COUN3301Q Introduction to Counseling 3
LDR3363Q Team Dynamics and Leading Diverse Groups 3 SYG1431Q Marriage and Family Comm. 3
LDR3215Q Leading Organizations, Innovation, and Change 3 GNMN3301Q Evangelism and Discipleship 3
LDR3302Q Managing Ethics in Organizations 3 GNMN3311Q Small Group Development 3
LDR3333Q Strategic HR in Orgs. 3 PAST4301Q Pastoral Methods 3
LDR4334Q Resource Allocation in Orgs. 3 BTEL4000Q Bible or Theology Electives 12
LDR4104Q Concepts and Theories of Mng. Ldrs. 3 BSOL-CMA4402.1Q Capstone Course 1

This degree completion program is designed to be completed within 2 years. Students who follow this progression plan will take all courses necessary to finish the Bachelor of Science Business Organizational Leadership – Church Management Administration Concentration major within 2 years.
NOTE: Students may apply to enroll in any of the five start dates: Fall A, Fall B, Spring A, Spring B and Summer.

Bachelor of Science Business Organizational Leadership, Church Management Administration Concentration, Two-Year Student Progression Plan

Introduction to Quest Program (1 credit), must be taken in the student’s first semester. *Italicized courses are required for the 18 credits in Bible & Theology for Trinity College and can be completed using the AA Access classes. If these courses were previously completed, they will be substituted with the indicated course.

Year 1 Fall A
Course 1 Introduction to Quest Program 1
Course 2 Introduction to Organizational Leadership 3
Course 3 Introduction to Counseling 3
Fall B
Course 1 Organizational Communication 3
Course 2 Church Planting and Development 3
Spring A
Course 1 Marriage and Family Communication 3
Course 2 Leadership in Nonprofits 3
Spring B
Course 1 *Bible or Theology Elective or Systematic Theology I 3
Course 2 Leadership Organizational Innovation and Change 3
Course 1 *Bible or Theology Elective or Leadership Elective 3
Course 2 *Bible or Theology Elective  3
Year 2 Fall A
Course 1 Strategic Human Resources in Organizations 3
Course 2 Small Group Development 3
Fall B
Course 1 Pastoral Methods 3
Course 2 *World Missions and Religions or Systematic Theology II 3
Spring A
Course 1 Managing Ethics in Organizations 3
Course 2 *Evangelism and Discipleship or Biblical Ethics 3
Spring B
Course 1 *Bible or Theology Elective or Stress Management 3
Course 2 Resource Allocations in Organizations 3
Course 1 Team Dynamics and Leading Diverse Groups 3
Course 2 Concepts and Theories of Managerial Leadership 3
Course 3 Capstone 1
BS BOL - Church Management Administration PDF

B.S. Christian Ministry

Dr. Joe AllottaBachelor of Science Christian Ministry

Department Chair: Joseph Allotta, D. Min.

The Ministry Major provides the student with the academic and professional preparation necessary for ministry.

Program Outcomes/Goals:

  1. Students will have a professional readiness to deliver Biblical knowledge.
  2. Students will have a well-articulated Christian worldview of life and ministry.
  3. A student will display ministry-ready professional skills.

Major Requirements (Total Required Credits: 122)

  1. Completed AA degree (meets the requirements of TCF) of all least 60 semester hours
  2. Complete Introduction to Quest Program (1 cr).
  3. Complete the following Trinity Quest Program Courses: (61 semester hours)

Required Courses:

BIBL2331Q* Hermeneutics 3 WORS3302Q Fundamental Issues in Worship 3
BIBL1311Q* Old Testament Law and History 3 PAST3301Q Introduction to Preaching 3
BIBL1322Q* Old Testament Poetry and Prophecy 3 GNMN3311Q Small Group Development 3
BIBL2301Q* Life and Revelation of Christ 3 PAST4301Q Pastoral Methods 3
BIBL2321Q* New Testament History and Letters 3 THEO3301Q Systematic Theology I 3
GNMN3301Q* Evangelism and Discipleship 3 THEO3302Q Systematic Theology II 3
MISS3303Q* World Missions and Religions 3 THEO4321Q Systematic Theology III 3
COUN3301Q Introduction to Counseling 3 THEO4331Q Systematic Theology IV 3
BIBL3323Q Biblical Ethics 3 GNMN4301Q Christian Ministry Internship 3
BIBL4301Q Romans 3 GNMN4402.1Q Christian Ministry Capstone 1
GNMN4301Q Christian Leadership 3

This degree completion program is designed to be completed within 2 years. Students who follow this progression plan will take all courses necessary to finish the Bachelor of Science Christian Ministry major within 2 years.
NOTE: Students may apply to enroll in any of the five start dates: Fall A, Fall B, Spring A, Spring B and Summer.

Bachelor of Science Christian Ministry, Two-Year Student Progression Plan

Introduction to Quest Program (1 credit), must be taken in the student’s first semester. *Italicized courses are required for the 18 credits in Bible & Theology for Trinity College and can be completed using the AA Access classes. If these courses were previously completed, they will be substituted with the indicated course.

Year 1 Fall A
Course 1 Introduction to Quest Program 1
Course 2 *Life and Revelation of Christ or Introduction to Org. Leadership 3
Course 3 Introduction to Counseling 3
Fall B
Course 1 Fundamental Issues in Worship 3
Course 2 *Hermeneutics or Church Planting and Development 3
Spring A
Course 1 *Old Testament Law and History or Marriage and Family Communication 3
Course 2 *Evangelism and Discipleship or Leadership in Nonprofits 3
Spring B
Course 1 Systematic Theology I 3
Course 2 *Old Testament Poetry and Prophecy or Counseling Adolescents 3
Course 1 Christian Leadership 3
Course 2 Romans 3
Year 2 Fall A
Course 1 Introduction to Preaching 3
Course 2 Small Group Development 3
Fall B
Course 1 Pastoral Methods 3
Course 2 Systematic Theology II 3
Spring A
Course 1 Systematic Theology III 3
Course 2 Biblical Ethics 3
Spring B
Course 1 *New Testament History and Letters or Sermon Preparation 3
Course 2 Christian Ministry Internship 3
Course 1 Systematic Theology IV 3
Course 2 *World Missions and Religions or Practicum 3
Course 3 Capstone 1
BS Christian Ministry PDF

B.S. Counseling Psychology

Leslie Rewald Counseling Psychology DepartmentBachelor of Science Counseling Psychology

Department Chair: Leslie Rewald, M.S.

Students successfully completing the Counseling Psychology Major of the Trinity Quest
program will demonstrate:

  1. A basic understanding of the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in psychology.
  2. The ability to weigh evidence, act ethically, and integrate Christian values with Psychology as a discipline.
  3. Professional skills in the area of his or her concentration.

Major Requirements (Total Required Credits: 122)

  1. A Completed AA degree (meets the requirements of TCF) of all least 60 semester hours
  2. Complete Introduction to Quest Program (1 cr).
  3. Complete the following Trinity Quest Program Courses: (61 semester hours)

Required Courses:

COUN3301Q Introduction to Counseling 3 DEP2004Q Development Psychology 3
PPE3003Q Theories of Personality 3 COUN3312Q Counseling Adolescents 3
COUN3332Q Stress Management 3 COUN3313Q Crisis Counseling 3
LDR3363Q Team Dynamics & Leading Diverse Groups 3 COUN4302Q Counseling Skills Lab 3
COUN3204Q Counseling Cross-Cultural 3 CLP3146Q Psychopathology 3
PSY3820Q Health Psychology 3 COUN4312Q Seminar in Group Dynamics 3
SYG1431Q Marriage and Family Communications 3 BIBL3323Q Biblical Ethics 3
EXP3604Q Cognitive Psychology 3 BTEL1000 Bible or Theology Elective 15
COUN4403Q Counseling Psychology Capstone 1

This degree completion program is designed to be completed within 2 years. Students who follow this progression plan will take all courses necessary to finish the Bachelor of Science Christian Ministry major within 2 years.
NOTE: Students may apply to enroll in any of the five start dates: Fall A, Fall B, Spring A, Spring B and Summer.

Bachelor of Science Counseling Psychology, Two-Year Student Progression Plan

Introduction to Quest Program (1 credit), must be taken in the student’s first semester. *Italicized courses are required for the 18 credits in Bible and Theology for Trinity College and can be completed using the AA Access classes. If these courses were previously completed, they will be substituted with the indicated course.

Year 1 Fall A
Course 1 Introduction to Quest Program 1
Course 2 Developmental Psychology 3
Course 3 Introduction to Counseling 3
Fall B
Course 1 Psychopathology 3
Course 2 Cognitive Psychology 3
Spring A
Course 1 Marriage and Family Communication 3
Course 2 Crisis Counseling 3
Spring B
Course 1 Systematic Theology I 3
Course 2 Counseling Adolescents 3
Course 1 *Bible or Theology Elective or Christian Leadership 3
Course 2 Bible or Theology Elective 3
Year 2 Fall A
Course 1 Seminar in Group Dynamics 3
Course 2 *Bible or Theology Elective or Small Group Development 3
Fall B
Course 1 Theories in Personality 3
Course 2 Heatlh Psychology 3
Spring A
Course 1 *Bible or Theology Elective or Psychology of Religion and Spirituality 3
Course 2 Biblical Ethics 3
Spring B
Course 1 Stress Management 3
Course 2 Counseling Cross Cultural 3
Course 1 Team Dynamics and Leading Diverse Groups 3
Course 2 Counseling Skills Lab 3
Course 3 Capstone 1
BS Counseling Psychology PDF

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What do I do if I don't have 60 credit hours?

You can always get started in our Trinity Access Program to earn you A.A. in General Studies to be ready to enter the Quest Degree Completion Program.

Are veterans benefits applicable for the degree completion program?

Yes of course, you can use your G.I. Bill benefits to help cover the cost of the Degree Completion Program.

Is Trinity College of Florida accredited?


Trinity College of Florida is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of the Association for Biblical Higher Education, an institutional accrediting body recognized by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation and the U.S. Department of Education.

Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs (U.S. Department of Education database)


  • Licensed by the Commission for Independent Education, Florida Department of Education. Additional information regarding this institution may be obtained by contacting the Commission at 325 West Gaines Street, Suite 1414, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400, toll-free telephone number (888) 224-6684.
  • Trinity College is authorized under Federal law to enroll nonimmigrant alien students, and
  • United States Department of Education for Federal Pell Grants and other Federal financial aid programs, and
  • Approved to enable the certified veteran to gain financial supplement for education.


  • American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO)
  • Association of Business Administrators of Christian Colleges (ABACC)
  • Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI)
  • Christian Library Consortium
  • Council of Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA)
  • Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA)
  • Florida Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (FACCS)
  • Florida Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (FASFAA)
  • National Association of Independent Colleges & Universities (NAICU)
  • United States Collegiate Athletic Association (USCAA)

Is financial aid available for Trinity College of Florida students?

Yes! Although many people think they can’t afford to go to college, a large percentage of students receive some type of financial assistance, including our degree completion students. Our financial aid representatives are ready to help you sort through the different types of financial aid and show you how to get the assistance available to you.
