--> Pursuing Excellence In All of Life - Trinity College

The Apostle Paul said, “If there is anything excellent or worthy of praise, think on these things.” We made the mission of the Honors Program at Trinity College to equip our high-achieving students to pursue excellence. We are committed not just to academics but also to pursuing excellence in all of life. This means we are committed to forming the whole person, mind, body, and spirit. 

We take students through a rigorous curriculum of coursework that introduces them to the great ideas that make up a biblical, Christian worldview. However, we also emphasize community, building relationships, and developing communication skills. We do that through group discussions and our annual summer trips, where we take students to visit important biblical and historical sites. In places like Israel, Italy, Greece, and the UK, above all, we emphasize forming students with Christian virtues. We recognize that it is ultimately through their Christian character that students will be equipped as faithful leaders in the home, church, and world wherever God calls. 

Program Structure

Unfolding across the sophomore, junior, and senior years, the Honors Program guides students in the pursuit of excellence through rigorous scholarship, meaningful community, and growth in Christian virtue. The goal is the formation of the whole person–mind, body, and spirit.

Pursuing Excellence

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” (Philippians 4:8)

The Honors Program at Trinity College of Florida is a community of learners dedicated to pursuing excellence in discipleship to Christ through rigorous scholarship, meaningful community, and growth in Christian virtue.

The Good, the True, and the Beautiful

Western culture’s leading thinkers have often described “excellence” in the classical terms of the Good, the True, and the Beautiful. Our civilization’s most significant achievements–as in the arts, modern science, and representative government–have borne witness to the inspirational power of these ideals.

Biblical Worldview Foundations

Christians, however, have recognized that these ideals have their foundation in the biblical worldview and their fulfillment in the person and work of Jesus Christ. As aspects of the one Creator God (who is Goodness, Truth, and Beauty personified), their enduring appeal and power are connected to their ultimate purpose: to point his human creatures back to him.

Classical Ideas

Now more than ever, recovering these biblical and classical ideals is vital. In a moment of profound cultural confusion, we need a new generation of Christian leaders grounded in truth, committed to goodness, and striving for beauty in their daily callings. They embody these ideals to others in living reflection of the God who is their source.

Deeply Instilled Values

The Honors Program at TCF promotes these principles not as abstract ideas but as values deeply instilled within a community of student-learners, encompassing all aspects of their lives: body, mind, and spirit. Honors students grow into servant-leaders who pursue the excellence of Christ–its truth, goodness, and beauty–wherever they are called to serve: in the home, the church, the marketplace, and beyond.

Zachary Hedges

Zachary T. Hedges, Ph.D.
Director of Honors Program, Assistant Professor of Bible and Theology

Honors Program