--> President’s Circle – Trinity College

President’s Circle

A Vision For Reflecting and Reaching – For His Kingdom

By President's Circle, The President's Journal

Expectation and Hope The new year is upon us with expectation and hope. Our confidence is built upon the past, reflecting upon the recent Advent season. Our sure faith is in the gospel: the historical finished work of Jesus Christ in his death, burial, and resurrection on our behalf. He reigns today from the throne of heaven, and our joy is in the promise of his return for all who are in Christ.  Likewise, we look back to the vision,…

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Rev. Stephen P. Best Appointed Interim President of Trinity College of Florida

By President's Circle

Press Release PDF Download Rev. Stephen P. Best Appointed Interim President of Trinity College of Florida June 12, 2023 (Trinity, FL) – The Trinity College of Florida Board of Trustees announces the appointment of Rev. Stephen P. Best as interim President with the full responsibilities and authority of the Office of the President, effective June 5, 2023. Board of Trustees Dr. Mark O’Farrell, who served the college with excellent leadership for 18 years, informed the Board of Trustees at its…

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Dual Enrollment Bible College

A “Must” for 2023

By President's Circle

A “Must” for 2023 A great deal of challenges, demands, requests, and obligations have been coming your way… and even in retirement! How do you handle all of this? What do you do, say, think, and even pray over? This is a new year… 2023… with all the modern technology and equipment. How is this possible? Dr. A.B. Simpson, the founder of The Christian and Missionary Alliance, wrote this to his constituency in 1886: “A Year with Jesus: Let us…

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Are You A Navigator?

By President's Circle

“In times of change, learners inherit the Earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” Philosopher Eric Hoffer There is no doubt about it, change is upon us, increasing at an exponential pace. When knowledge is doubling every eighteen months and increasing, how is one to stay current and meet expectations? We must be constant learners. We must be as the sons of Issachar, “men who had an understanding of the…

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Your Lion's Den

Your Lion’s Den

By President's Circle

BY DR. MARK O’FARRELL: I never get tired or bored with Daniel chapter 6! How about you? I remembered it from Sunday School, claimed the spiritual lessons from this event for my personal life, and preached on this chapter numerous times on different occasions over the years! It is just a great read! If you have never read it, or it has been a long time since you explored this portion of scripture, do so immediately. God is shouting at…

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Christmas Story

The Christmas Story, Unimaginable and Incomparable!

By President's Circle, Tiger Talk Blog

The Christmas Story, Unimaginable and Incomparable! By Dr. Mark O’Farrell Matthew and Luke record the historical event of the birth of the Lord Jesus! Reading the first two chapters of Luke and then reading the first two chapters of Matthew will record in clear terms this miraculous event of God entering the human race as a baby birthed by a virgin.  Simply, absolutely, incredible, and unfathomable!  Wayne Grudem writes: “Jesus Christ was fully God and fully man in one person and…

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i've got a secret

I’ve Got a Secret

By President's Circle

I’ve Got a Secret Many of my readers will be too young to remember a program entitled, “I’ve Got A Secret.” It ran from 1952-1967. A contestant came before a panel who had a secret.  The panel’s assignment was to discover it.  It ranged from the unusual to the humorous.  You were to put on your ‘detective hat’ and discover it through questioning. This came to my mind when I recognized a new and afresh the ‘Secret’ of handling all the…

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A must for every believer

A Must For Every Believer!

By President's Circle

A Must for Every Believer 2022 In the Christian experience, there is plenty of room for personal choice … what you wear, where you live, the vehicle you drive, the trips you take, and on and on. Naturally, one should be praying with regard to these decisions, but there is room for personal preference. However, there is something EVERY BELIEVER MUST DO! This is a MUST! This requirement came to me in a new way as I was traveling through…

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simplicity within complexity

Simplicity Within Complexity

By President's Circle, Tiger Talk Blog

By: Dr. Mark O’Farrell, College President. Have you noticed within the last six months the  need to deal with complex issues without the  opportunity to resolve or bring solution with  simplicity? It must be long, drawn-out, tiring, and frustrating. Wrong thinking and  contemplation cause this response. Whatever  happened to the main thing being the main  thing and the plain thing being the main thing?  Why do we create complexity in resolution? Is it simply stupidity or immaturity, or is it  something…

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Peter Teagues authority of scripture

The Authority of Scripture

By President's Circle

The Authority of Scripture – Our Unfailing Foundation Dr. Peter W. Teague, President Emeritus Today there is a confluence of demographic, economic, and technological developments that are creating a new reality driven by a new set of rules! Change is coming at us very fast – so much so that in just 6 years the “Internet of Things” will be designed to run factories, mines, energy systems, transportation systems, retail facilities, vehicles, homes, offices, and YES even people. Truth Matters…

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