--> Overcoming All Obstacles

I, Courtney Hawkins, have had a mix of ups and downs at Trinity, but overall, it was a positive experience. I have so many good memories and valuable lessons, and I’ve grown in countless ways.

My experience has definitely impacted the career path I want to pursue. Initially, I thought I wanted to go into counseling, maybe with a private practice. But over time, I realized that I want to help others using what I’ve learned in counseling without necessarily being in a formal counseling setting. I’ve learned so much about compassion, empathy, and the skills that make someone an effective counselor, and I’m grateful for all of that knowledge.

Though I’m not planning to go directly into counseling, I’m drawn to working with the elderly. I’ve considered social work, but I don’t want to be as professional or formal as that role requires. I want to be more of a companion, a friend, or even a family member to people who may not have anyone. It’s hard to define what I want to do because it doesn’t quite fit into a traditional category.

To prospective students, I would say take chances. Don’t let fear hold you back from following where you feel God is leading you. Sometimes, we get so caught up in our doubts and fears that we miss what He’s trying to tell us. If you feel drawn to a place or an opportunity, trust that God will provide, just as He did for me. Don’t let financial concerns or uncertainties stop you from moving forward.

As for my plans after graduation, I’m diving into a job search, as I need to find one soon. I’m also in the process of finding a place to live, though it’s not finalized yet. Right now, I’m just taking it day by day, with nothing set in stone. But yes, I am graduating, and I’m looking forward to that milestone!

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