Library Hours
Monday 9 to 9
Tuesday 9 to 9
Wednesday 9 to 9
Thursday 9 to 9
Friday 9 to 4
Saturday Noon to 5
Sunday Closed
College Archives
Librarian (727) 376-6911, Ext. 343
Library Front Desk (727) 376-6911, Ext. 341

Because Trinity College of Florida has such a rich history, which began in 1932, the college archives are filled with photographs, yearbooks, lectures, and information regarding its history, including graduating evangelist Billy Graham. Trinity College of Florida and the Raymond H. Center library grant access to its archived collections subject to library policies and donor restrictions.
Permission to access College Archives
- The library holds the right to restrict access to any part of the college archives if it chooses.
- College administration records, including correspondence or financial documents, are closed for at least 50 years from the date of their creation.
- Archives of students, alumni, or other associated organizations are subject to the same restrictions of access.
- Records that were generally distributed upon their creation are typically considered open and available for review. These include college publications, calendars, brochures, or announcements.
- Personal archives of faculty and administrators, including lectures or personal correspondence, are subject to restrictions placed by the donor.
- All items in the college archives, created by Trinity College of Florida, are considered copyright by the institution.
- Permission to publish from its college archives requires a separate application.
Permission to Publish Trinity College of Florida (Florida Bible Institute) materials
Before materials from Trinity College of Florida’s college archives, located in the Raymond H. Center Library and vault, may be quoted in print or reproduced, in whole or in part, in any publication, permission must be obtained from both Trinity College of Florida and/or the holder of the copyright (should that differ from TCF). This includes all images, books, papers, and recordings that may be found in the college archives. Permission to access information kept in the college archives is not the same as permission to publish. If interested in publishing, please fill out the form titled “permission to publish” and submit it to the Raymond H. Center Library for review.
For questions regarding the above-mentioned permissions, please contact the Library Director, Cindy Hyer.
College Archives Forms
Application to Publish Text or Images
Please use this form if you are seeking permission to publish any text or images digitized from Trinity College of Florida’s college archives located in the Raymond H. Center Library or vault.
Policy on Digitizing by Patrons
Trinity College of Florida and the Raymond H. Center Library will occasionally grant permission for individuals to photocopy or digitize information or photographs using a scanner/photocopier or camera under the following conditions:
- Raymond H. Center Library reserves the right to deny the privilege of digitizing any of its documents, at any time.
- When researchers or patrons digitize documents or photographs found in the Trinity College archives they are accepting full liability for subsequent use of digital copies they create (whether photographs or other documents) and are releasing Trinity College of Florida and the Raymond H. Center Library of any liability for that subsequent use.
- Trinity College of Florida’s college archives permits copying for personal use only. Researchers agree that copies will not be reproduced, sold, or distributed to other individuals or repositories. If any other use is intended, publication or reproduction, other rules apply. Researchers must consult with the staff of the Raymond H. Center Library about these rules.
- The library reserves the right to review any items that have been scanned/photocopied or photographed from the library archives.
- Mishandling of this privilege, any documents found in the college archives or the relationship of the Raymond H. Center Library will result in the privilege of access to be withdrawn.
U.S. Copyright Laws
If there are questions regarding U.S. Copyright laws and any amendments to Title 17, please review them here. U.S. Copyright Laws