Intercultural Studies Course Descriptions

Equipping you to pursue your purpose with excellence

MISS 1301 World Missions and Religions
3 Credit Hours
This course provides an introductory survey of world missions, including the Biblical and theological basis for missions, a review of the history of missions, various strategies for missions, and current issues in missions. A brief review of the history, beliefs, and practices of leading contemporary world religions is also included. The emphasis of the course is on how to promote world missions within the local church, as well as on how world Christians should discern God’s guidance regarding sending or going.

MISS 2303 Church Planting and Development
3 Credit Hours
This course surveys the movement in our day with materials, programs, and techniques of church growth. It shows the causes of church growth, impact of social change, demographics, and political movements. A strategy for world evangelization, along with incorporating the principles of rapid church growth, is developed.

GNMN 3011/ 4011 Ministry Internship
0 Credit Hours

Internships: Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts degree programs except for Advanced Theological Studies majors are required to participate in a minimum two semester internship program in their specialized fields. The internship program is practical field work in a specialized area of ministry and will be supervised by the student’s academic advisor. A written report of the field experience will be submitted at the end of the second semester and will be graded by the academic advisor. It will be graded with satisfactory or unsatisfactory.

MISS 3301 Cultural Anthropology
3 Credit Hours
This course treats the basic principles of cultural and social anthropology with consideration of a variety of cultures. The nature of cultural, social, political, and economic change as well as the effect of culture on the development of personality will be considered. Some principles of cross-cultural communications are applied.

MISS 3302 Cross-Cultural Communication
3 Credit Hours
This course is an advanced, in-depth study of the history, beliefs, and practices of contemporary world religions, secular humanism, and major cults, especially as they constitute a challenge to Christian missions. Witnessing to these groups is examined both historically and methodologically.

MISS 3311 Strategy of Missions
3 Credit Hours
This course studies the missionary, mission boards, theological issues in missions, significant historical developments, and creation of a strategy for world evangelization. Close examination is given to unevangelized peoples. It surveys the contemporary scene, evaluating opportunities in light of social, political, economic, and religious pressures with which missions must deal.

MISS 3312 Urban Ministry
3 Credit Hours
This course treats the historical and sociological overview of world urban centers. It studies the pertinent factors of urban society in relationship to the development of strategies for effective evangelism and church planting. Attention is given to the special needs of urban dwellers, such as poverty, overcrowding, ethnic groups and minorities, identity, and spiritual crises.

MISS 4300 Contemporary Issues and Trends in World Evangelism
3 Credit Hours
An overview of significant world trends, world missions trends, and issues of strategy, methodology, and theology that are being proposed, pioneered, or debated in our time. There will be an emphasis on proposals to speed up closure, trends in church planting strategy and reaching closed countries, tent-making, church mobilization, urbanization, and the impact of  technology and post-modernism.

MISS 4301 World Religions
3 Credit Hours
This course is an advanced, in-depth study of the history, beliefs, and practices of contemporary world religions, secular humanism, and major cults, especially as they constitute a challenge to Christian missions. Witnessing to these groups is examined both historically and methodologically.

MISS 4331 Cross-Cultural Communication Practicum
3 Credit Hours
Students will complete a supervised Intercultural experience in a professional setting. The primary focus is on cultural study, practical
outreach, and other mission duties outlined in the Cross-Cultural Practicum Manual.

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