Trinity College of Florida Honors Program
Pursuing Excellence
“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” (Philippians 4:8)
The Honors Program at Trinity College of Florida is a community of learners dedicated to pursuing excellence in discipleship to Christ through rigorous scholarship, meaningful community, and growth in Christian virtue.
The Good, the True, and the Beautiful
Western culture’s leading thinkers have often described “excellence” in the classical terms of the Good, the True, and the Beautiful. And our civilization’s greatest achievements–as in the arts, modern science, and representative government–have borne witness to the inspirational power of these ideals.
Biblical Worldview Foundations
Christians, however, have recognized that these ideals have their foundation in the biblical worldview, and their fulfillment in the person and work of Jesus Christ. As aspects of the one Creator God (who is Goodness, Truth, and Beauty personified), their enduring appeal and power is connected to their ultimate purpose: to point his human creatures back to him.
Classical Ideas
Now more than ever, a recovery of these biblical and classical ideals is vital. In a moment of deep cultural confusion, we need a new generation of Christian leaders who are grounded in truth, committed to goodness, and striving for beauty in their daily callings, and who embody these ideals to others in living reflection of the God who is their source.
Deeply Instilled Values
The Honors Program at TCF promotes these principles, not as abstract ideas, but as values deeply instilled within a community of student-learners, encompassing all aspects of their lives: body, mind, and spirit. Honors students grow into servant-leaders who pursue the excellence of Christ–its truth, goodness, and beauty–wherever they are called to serve: in the home, the church, the marketplace, and beyond.
Program Structure
Unfolding across the sophomore, junior, and senior years, the Honors Program guides students in the pursuit of excellence through rigorous scholarship, meaningful community, and growth in Christian virtue. The goal is the formation of the whole person–mind, body, and spirit.
Scholarship Curriculum
Honors Students are immersed in a challenging and carefully-crafted curriculum of coursework that explores the fulfillment of the Good, the True, and the Beautiful in biblical revelation, and in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
These discussion-oriented courses provide essential foundations in the Christian tradition, introducing students to the way the Christian worldview supports and shapes influential ideas in historical theology, ethics, apologetics, and the literary imagination.
Honors Course Offerings
Honors Program courses help students to formulate a Christian worldview in connection with the classical ideas of truth, goodness, and beauty:
- The True (Bible and Theology)
- Readings in Christian Thought/Theology 1 (Classical Period)
- Reading in Christian Thought/Theology 2 (Modern Day Period)
- The Good (Apologetics and Ethics)
- C. S. Lewis – Apostle to the Skeptic
- Contemporary Issues in Ethics and Theology
- The Beautiful (Creation and Literature)
- Darwinism, Intelligent Design, and the Rhetoric of Science
- Western Civilization – Great Books
Capstone Thesis
As the Program’s culminating research project, Honors students complete a Capstone Thesis, further exploring a selected program theme or topic under the supervision of a faculty mentor.
Students present their research before both a faculty panel and their fellow students for discussion and engagement.
Since formation does not take place in isolation, a thriving community of students and faculty is essential to the Honors Program’s mission.
These relationships are forged and strengthened in a variety of ways:
- Table Talks – regular gatherings for food, coffee, fellowship, and the lively discussion of classic texts and key ideas with the Honors Program Director
- Guest Lectures – special events for hearing invited speakers, who present on important topics and model sound scholarship
- Senior Banquets – formal times for recognizing student achievements and allowing presentation of completed capstone projects
- Honors Trips – domestic and international travel to important sites of Christian heritage and cultural enrichment such as Italy, Greece, Israel, the United Kingdom, and Germany, which can be taken for course credit
Christian Virtue
In addition to scholarship and community, growth in Christian virtue is a key emphasis of the Honors Program. In fact, this emphasis is deeply interwoven into all aspects of the Program experience.
On the academic side, students develop appreciation for new perspectives and grow in the discipline necessary to arrive at genuine understanding during their seminar discussions. And in their research and writing, they learn to love God with all their minds as they communicate faithfully, represent positions fairly, and exercise the intellectual virtues of honesty, charity, and humility under the guidance of faculty mentors.
On the relational side, students build friendships with fellow Honors Program members and faculty that are centered around Christ and his truth, and they participate in volunteer and service opportunities that provide formative contexts for putting their values into real-world practice.
Program Benefits
First and foremost, the Honors Program is about shaping students into certain kinds of people: those who pursue excellence in all aspects of their lives.
In the process, however, students gain a wide array of beneficial experiences and new perspectives that equip them well to lead and succeed wherever God calls. These benefits include:
- A Christian worldview, providing a biblical approach to life’s ultimate questions
- A well-rounded exposure to the great ideas that have shaped our culture
- Christ-centered relationships with faculty and fellow students
- Advanced communication and critical thinking skills, sharpened through constructive discussion, rigorous research and writing, and regular faculty guidance and feedback
- Official recognition and documentation of advanced academic standing, helpful in starting careers and/or pursuing graduate studies
- Enriching domestic and international student trips (that also earn course credit)
- Rewarding volunteer and community service opportunities promoting personal growth
Application Process
We encourage all incoming and current students at Trinity College of Florida with a GPA of 3.5 or higher to consider applying to the Honors Program.
The Honors Program Director contacts qualified applicants to discuss the Program and schedule a time for a personal interview.
For additional inquiries, please feel free to contact the Program Director, Dr. Zachary T. Hedges (zachary.hedges@trinitycollege.edu).
Trinity College Podcast | Interview with Dr. Zachary Hedges | Director of the Honors Program
Meet Your Honors Program Director
Zachary T. Hedges, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Bible and Theology
Director of Honors Program
Professor Hedges will mentor you as an student and will be your honors program advisor throughout your entire undergraduate program.
BA in History at the University of Cincinnati (2012), M.Div. at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (2016), Th.M. (2017), and Ph.D. 2023
Grace Collins, Class of 2023 Honors Program Graduate
“Being a part of the Honors Program at Trinity enhanced my overall experience of the school. I was blessed to be challenged by each honors class in what I learned as I grew in my love and knowledge of the Word of God. This program prepared me for my future studies and the ministry the Lord has called me to.”
Grace Quote-“Put down your phone and pick up your cross…”