Dual Enrollment

Earn college credit as a dual enrollment high school, private school or home school student

Dual Enrollment Students

Students in grades 9th-12th simultaneously earn credits toward their high school diploma and a college degree, in-seat or online (attending a traditional semester). See dual enrollment course offerings for courses listed at the reduced price of $390.00 per course. (Additional costs for books and other materials may be required.)

High school students may take general education courses, including first and second-year Bible/theology courses. Courses not designated as dual enrollment course offering will be charged at the regular tuition rate of $510 a credit hour.

TCF Academic Requirements

TCF academic requirements for admissions as a dual-enrolled student: Students must be at least a freshman in high school and have at least 3.0 GPA to take dual enrollment courses. They must also process through the normal admissions process with the exception of the required SAT/ACT/CLT tests.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Is dual enrollment right for you?

Trinity College is a Biblical Higher Educational Institution that has remained steadfast on our mission to “provide a biblically-centered education, equipping servant leaders for life and career opportunities.” If the goals of our mission align with your goals as a parent or guardian of a high school aged student, then this is the right place for you to begin. See College Mission Statement

How much will the courses cost?

The courses are $390.00 for a 3 credit hour course, $130 per credit hour. Additional costs are the purchase of required books for the class.

What classes are offered for dual enrollment students?

Every semester classes that can be taken at the dual enrollment rate will be posted on this page. Generally, these will be general education classes and first and second-year Bible classes.

Fall In-Seat Course Schedule for Dual Enrollment students

August 19 – December 9, 2024

Fall Online Course Schedule for Dual Enrollment students

(Fall A Aug 19 – Oct 11) (Fall B Oct 14 – Dec 9)

What if I want to take a class not listed as a dual enrollment class?

You are welcome to take any class that does not have a prerequisite. However, any classes not designated as dual enrollment will be charged at the regular tuition rate of $510 a credit hour.

How many credits can be taken per term?

Freshman and sophomores can take up to 9 credit hours per semester.  Juniors and seniors and take up to 12 credit hours per semester.

What are the admissions requirements for the program?

A dual enrollment student must be at least a freshman in high school and have at least a 3.0 GPA to take dual enrollment courses. They must also process through the normal admissions process with exception of the required SAT/ACT/CLT tests.

Is financial aid available for dual enrolled students?

Financial aid is only for degree seeking students who have met the federal requirements.

Is there homework help and or tutoring available?

One of the benefits for all TCF students is our Learning Resource Center. This resource is at no cost to students, operates Monday through Friday 8 am to 4 pm. The Learning Resource Center offers a place for students to receive academic mentoring, tutoring, or support. Our Learning Resource Center staff is dedicated to helping students succeed. All students are encouraged to visit the Learning Resource Center for academic help or support.

Request Information

Dr. Holloway, VP of Student Development

Father of two dual enrollment students.

As a faculty member at Trinity College of Florida, I am committed to providing students with Christ-centered education. This includes my own children whom we have homeschooled throughout their academic careers. This commitment and academic excellence and spiritual growth is why I have enrolled them in Trinity College of Florida’s dual enrollment program. Through this program they will be challenged to grow in the classroom and spiritually as they are surrounded by godly faculty and other like-minded students.

Dual Enrollment Advantage

Florida Department of Education Dual Enrollment 

Dual enrollment at Trinity College allows secondary students (High school age) including home education students and private school students to take postsecondary coursework and simultaneously earn credit toward a high school diploma. Dual enrolled students at Trinity either are working towards an associate or baccalaureate degree, while others attend for specific courses.

Apply Now

Association of Biblical Higher EducationTrinity College of Florida is accredited by the Association for Biblical Higher Education Commission on Accreditation (5850 T. G. Lee Blvd., Ste. 130, Orlando, FL 32822, 407.207.0808) to grant certificates and degrees at the Associate and Baccalaureate levels.

TCF Accreditation Memberships and Approvals