--> Driving Students to Pursue Excellence

Hello, I’m Dr. Zachary Hedges, Assistant Professor of Bible and Theology and Director of the Honors Program. In my role, I aim to help students broaden their intellectual horizons by exposing them to texts and ideas that challenge their thinking. For example, this semester, we tackled works ranging from The Iliad and The Odyssey to Shakespeare. It’s not always easy, but students are encouraged to develop their reading comprehension, writing skills, and ability to engage with universal ideas that transcend cultures. The class is discussion-oriented, fostering sharper thinkers and deeper conversations.

The most rewarding part of my job is the relationships I build with students. It might sound like a cliché, but I truly believe I learn just as much from them as they do from me. Their questions often spark new ideas that enhance the class experience, and those informal conversations outside the classroom are just as enriching.

When it comes to supporting Trinity, I would emphasize how crucial it is for students to be equipped as ambassadors for Christ, whether in the church, the marketplace, or the mission field. In today’s culture, there are increasing obstacles to that mission, and Trinity stands firm in its dedication to shaping students for eternal purposes. Even the smallest contributions can help provide the training and experiences that make a lasting impact.

One specific opportunity to support our students is by donating to the Honors Program. This summer, we’re planning a trip to Greece, following in the footsteps of Paul. Students will visit key biblical sites like Athens, Corinth, and Thessalonica, bringing the New Testament to life in a way that’s impossible to replicate in the classroom. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance for students to experience the places where Paul preached and spread the gospel. While the trip is a financial challenge, donations are welcome to help make it possible for our students.

Thank you for considering supporting these efforts!

To help Dr. Hedges shape the minds of students, you can partner with Trinity College of Florida to Forge a Future here.