Bible Course Descriptions BIBL

Equipping you to pursue your purpose with excellence

BIBL 1101 Basics of Biblical Living
3 Credit Hours
This introductory course provides students with an in-depth look at the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Christian disciplines that help us grow in our faith. There is an examination of who Jesus is and what Jesus did and how that relates to godly living. Then there is a hands-on practical approach to engaging the various Christian disciplines.

BIBL 1102 Christian Belief and Scripture
3 Credit Hours
This course provides an introduction to foundational Christian theology and to Scripture. It examines the narrative and major themes of the Christian Bible. It also introduces the crucial and foundational claims of Christian theology by examining ancient consensus about theological boundaries that have historically distinguished Christian belief from other ancient religious teachings.

BIBL 1311 Old Testament Law and History
3 Credit Hours
This course surveys the content, structure, events, and theological themes of the Pentateuch and the historical books of the Old Testament (the first 17 books) in light of their ancient Near Eastern setting.

BIBL 1322 Old Testament Poetry and Prophecy
3 Credit Hours
This course surveys the content, structure, events, and theological themes of the Old Testament poetical and prophetic books (the last 22 books) in light of their historical and canonical setting.

BIBL 2301 Life and Revelation of Christ
3 Credit Hours
This course comprehensively studies the life of Christ as seen in the Gospels. An emphasis of the theme of each Gospel is considered, as well as, a synoptic and chronological view of the life of Jesus, with an interpretation of key events and main discourses.

BIBL 2302 Acts
3 Credit Hours
PREREQUISITE: BIBL 2331 Hermeneutics. This course is an expositional study of the book of Acts with major emphasis on its theological arguments and New Testament evangelism. Special attention is given to the infancy, adolescence, and maturity of the church. A synopsis is given to each of the Pauline epistles in their chronological order.

BIBL 2311 Pentateuch
3 Credit Hours
PREREQUISITE: BIBL 2331 Hermeneutics. This course is a detailed study of the first five books in their historical setting. Special attention is given to authorship, critical problems, the early history of Israel, the Mosaic laws, and to the development of the theocratic rule. Emphasis is placed on the cultural, political, and geographical background of each book.

BIBL 2312 Old Testament Historical Books
3 Credit Hours
PREREQUISITE: BIBL 2331 Hermeneutics. Students will analytically study the Old Testament books from Joshua through Esther, following Israel’s political periods of theocracy, judgeship, monarchy, divided kingdom, and the partial restoration. This study also deals with persons who made significant contributions to the nation of Israel during these periods.

BIBL 2321 New Testament History and Letters
3 Credit Hours
This course is a study of Acts, the Pauline Epistles, and the General Epistles. Attention will be given to background, structure, authorship, and doctrinal importance.

BIBL 2331 Hermeneutics
3 Credit Hours
This course is designed to study principles and procedures for interpreting Scriptures, as well as, for the provision of an inductive approach toward Bible study. It emphasizes the grammatical, historical, and cultural method of interpretation with guidelines which are applicable to any book of the Bible.

BIBL 3301 General Epistles
3 Credit Hours
PREREQUISITE: BIBL 2331 Hermeneutics. This course provides exposition of the non-Pauline epistles, with the exception of the book of Hebrews. Special attention is given to a general introduction to each epistle with a major emphasis on a detailed study of the book of James.

BIBL 3302 Prophetical Books (Isaiah/Malachi)
3 Credit Hours
PREREQUISITE: BIBL 2331 Hermeneutics. A careful study is given to the major and minor prophets in chronological order. Emphasis is placed upon their historical settings; contemporary kings; and political, economical, and spiritual conditions. Special attention is given to the study of prophetism.

BIBL 3303 The Post Exilic Books
3 Credit Hours
PREREQUISITE: BIBL 2331 Hermeneutics. This course first studies the six Old Testament books that constitute the “Post-exilic division”: Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. Both the content and the application of these books will be surveyed, and interpretive issues will be treated in depth.

BIBL 3120 History of the Israelite Kingdom
3 Credit Hours
This course is a study of the history of the people of God in the Old Testament as that history is recorded from Genesis through Esther. It will consider God’s redemptive plan as it is expressed in His covenants with Israel. Special emphasis will be made to help the student understand the geography of the Near East.

BIBL 3233 Thinking Like Jesus: Foundations for Biblical Worldview
3 Credit Hours
This course is designed to help students understand the meaning of world view, and its importance in the life of a Christian. The world views of modern culture will be examined and evaluated in light of biblical truth. Students will understand the foundations of a biblical world view by studying appropriate passages of Scripture, especially those that relate to the life and teachings of Jesus.

BIBL 3241 General Epistles and Revelation
3 Credit Hours
Course Descriptions PREREQUISITE: BIBL 2331 Hermeneutics. This course is a study of Hebrews; James; I and II Peter; I, II and III John; Jude and Revelation with a special emphasis given to personal application of Scripture.

BIBL 3311 Gospel of John
3 Credit Hours
PREREQUISITE: BIBL 2331 Hermeneutics. A study of the fourth gospel, this course focuses on the prologue and the unique features of this book’s presentation of Christ’s message, ministry, and passion. It uses John as a model for inductive study.

BIBL 3312 Poetical Books
3 Credit Hours
PREREQUISITE: BIBL 2331 Hermeneutics. This course examines the books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon. The study examines the nature, content, structure, and
the enduring lifestyle that is adequate to meet the pressures of contemporary society.

BIBL 3313 Old Testament Survey
3 Credit Hours
This course provides a survey of each Old Testament book in relation to authorship, date, purpose, and time period. The Old Testament is divided into eleven historical periods and covers the history, geography, and cultural context of each period as well as the contribution of each book to the Old Testament canon and its relationship to the fulfillment of God’s total progressive revelation.

BIBL 3314 New Testament Survey
3 Credit Hours
All twenty-seven books of the New Testament will be reviewed for an essential understanding of the linkage to the Old Testament, the working out of God’s plan for our salvation, the end times through the last days, and the glorious hope of heaven. The historical, literary, cultural, and archaeological context will also be reviewed.

BIBL 3322 Early Pauline Epistles
3 Credit Hours
PREREQUISITE: BIBL 2331 Hermeneutics. This course provides an analysis and exposition of I and II Corinthians and I and II Thessalonians with emphasis upon authorship, date, and place of writing, along with the occasion and purpose of each book. Special attention is given to the gifts of the Spirit as related to the pagan influence in the early church, the problems facing the church, and the hope of the pre-tribulation rapture of the church.

BIBL 3323 Biblical Ethics
3 Credit Hours
Students will become familiar with the wisdom literature of the Old and New Testaments, and of cultures and writings throughout history. Students will understand the integration of the wisdom teachings of the Old and New Testaments and what that means to modern day Biblically based ethical decision making.

BIBL 3332 Johannine Literature
3 Credit Hours
PREREQUISITE: BIBL 2331 Hermeneutics. This class is a study of the Johannine literature in its historical context. An examination of the evidence that indicates that Johannine Christianity was a distinctive development with its own literature within early Christianity. An examination of the setting, literary genre, content, and theology of the Johannine Gospel and Epistles with a comparative introduction to the book of the Revelation of John.

BIBL 3345 Sermons of Jesus
3 Credit Hours
PREREQUISITE: BIBL 2331 Hermeneutics. An analytical and expository study of the Sermons of Jesus Christ, with attention to Matthew’s account of the Sermon on the Mount and its parallel passages. Specific focus will be on the practical implications of His sermons from both a group and individual perspective.

BIBL 3411 Paul’s New Testament Letters
3 Credit Hours
PREREQUISITE: BIBL 2331 Hermeneutics. An overview of Paul’s writings to the first-century churches. This study highlights major issues and considers application to individual believers and churches of today. Appropriate hermeneutical principles and procedures are also demonstrated.

BIBL 4301 Romans
3 Credit Hours
PREREQUISITE: BIBL 2331 Hermeneutics. This course is an exegesis of the Roman epistle including the historical background, the theological elements of condemnation, justification, sanctification, and glorification. Special attention is given to the dispensational and the practical divisions.

BIBL 4303 Daniel & Revelation: Exegesis & Theology
3 Credit Hours
PREREQUISITE: BIBL 2331 Hermeneutics. This course carefully examines these two major apocalyptic books chapter by chapter, investigating their historical setting, the critical questions, and their relation to one another and to the Olivet Discourse. Heavy emphasis is given to the book of Revelation.

BIBL 4311 Pastoral Epistles
3 Credit Hours
PREREQUISITE: BIBL 2331 Hermeneutics. This course is an exegetical study of I and II Timothy and Titus. Emphasis is placed upon authorship, date and place of writing, and the occasion and purpose of writing. Special attention is given to the practical directives for pastors as well as patterns for church structure, discipline, and leadership.

BIBL 4312 Hebrews
3 Credit Hours
PREREQUISITE: BIBL 2331 Hermeneutics. This course is an exegesis of the book of Hebrews stressing the superiority of Christ’s person and work over the agents of the Old Covenant. Special attention is given to the quality of faith which pleases God and the need for perseverance of the believers.

BIBL 4313 Early Foundations in Christian History: Paul’s Journeys
3 Credit Hours
This course in an inquiry into the life and missionary journeys of Paul as it pertains to his ministry in Greece and Italy. Special attention will be given to his historical presence and ministry in the regions of Corinth, Athens, and Rome as the student is provided with a biblical and archaeological “hands on experience.”

BIBL 4314 Exploring the Footsteps of Christ in Israel: A Journey into History
3 Credit Hours
This course is an inquiry into the life and ministry of Jesus Christ in the land of Israel. Special attention will be given to his historical presence in the Holy Land, the background and cultural issues that shaped his life and ministry, and the subsequent impact that his life, death, and resurrection, and ministry has had on redemption history. The student will be provided with a biblical and archaeological “hand on experience.”

BIBL 4315 Foundations of Faith
3 Credit Hours
This course is designed as an inquiry into the foundations and context of the Judea-Christian faith, with specific emphasis on the origins (or genesis) of our world and our Bible. Further study will also include the way in which Christianity helped shape the foundational structure of the United States. A trip to the Washington D.C. (Museum of the Bible) and Kentucky (Ark Encounter, Creation Museum) will provide experiential learning along with additional coursework.

BIBL 4321 Bible as Literature
3 Credit Hours
PREREQUISITE: BIBL 2331 Hermeneutics. This course examines the various literary elements within the different genres of Biblical writings. The special qualities of each literary form will be discussed along with the special problems of interpretation and application.

BIBL 4322 Prison Epistles
3 Credit Hours
PREREQUISITE: BIBL 2331 Hermeneutics. This course contains a doctrinal, expositional, and practical study of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon with special attention given to the person and work of Christ showing His pre-eminence. A careful introduction is given to each book.

BIBL 4323 Ethics in Hebrew Wisdom Literature
3 Credit Hours
A study of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the Song of Songs that emphasizes the genius of Hebrew poetry and the doctrinal depth, spiritual value and ethical implications of these books.

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